"May the Fourth be with you." Yes, it's that time of year when we like to celebrate Star Wars and to honour the day, we have got four special reviews today from our team that celebrates both the dark and the light side of the force. Up first we head to the dark side with Rachael Belle from America who's getting her Sith on! We've all seen the cheap and tacky fancy dress costumes you can buy off Amazon and similar sites. Well, we wanted to go for a lingerie themed look rather than the typical costumes. So come and join us today to get the lowdown on what Rachael is wearing to channel her inner Sith tendencies and see if you'll be tempted to the dark side!
“This back strap is so nice because I know for me I'm a little bit broader shoulder than the average girl but this is nice as I can tighten or loosen as required. It allows the front to fit properly, I really love this."
Rachael Belle
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