As the clock counts down to midnight, we're saying farewell to 2024 in the most glamorous way! Faerie Willow and Scarlot Rose are here to help us celebrate with a review of items that range from cheeky fun to luxurious elegance. Featuring stunning hosiery and lingerie, their reactions to these surprises will be unmissable. Join us for a night of beauty, sass, and celebration as we close out the year in style! For their penultimate gift, Faerie gets to review the Agent Provocateur Sachaa plunge underwired bra and full brief set, while Scarlot gives us the lowdown on the Brie plunge underwired bra and thong set, also from Agent Provocateur. Filmed in 4K.
"This is the best lingerie that I have worn since I have shaved my head and I feel so awesome! This is the best thing I have worn for such a long time."
Scarlot Rose
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